
Posted on : 04 Apr 2024  Source of News: Lembaga Sungai-Sungai Sarawak

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On March 3rd, 2024, heavy rainfall upstream of Batang Katibas resulted in an overflow of excessive floating wood debris downstream, affecting Batang Rajang. On March 4th, 2024, an officer from the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB), Song Office, joined an investigation team comprising officers from the Song District Office, SRB, NREB, and Pusat Khidmat ADUN N. 62 Katibas. Their aim was to assess the impact of the flood and floating wood debris on riverine safety, wharves, jetties, and other facilities along Batang Katibas, extending to the last longhouse, Rh. Sapai, Ng. Ngeranau.

Based on the investigation team's findings and advice from the Ministry of Transport Sarawak (MOTS), as well as requests from Yang Berhormat Tuan Lidam Assan, ADUN N.62 Katibas, SRB took early initiative from March 13th to March 19th, 2024, to clear wood debris, stumps, overhangs, and other hazardous objects along Batang Katibas. In addition to river clearing for safe navigation, the team assessed damages to longhouse jetties and carried out repair works where necessary to ensure safe river accessibility.

Before organizing the river clearing works, a scoping exercise was conducted by interviewing community members such as Tr. Jarum, Ng. Lintang, Tr. Sapai, Ng. Ngeranau, and others. Nine longhouses were identified for involvement in the program: Rh. Sapai, Ng. Ngeranau; Rh. Api, Ng. Terusa; Rh. Sidi, Ng. Nayai; Rh. Jabu, Ng. Chemanong; Rh. Sa, Ng. Mesau; Rh. Kawin, Ng. Malai; Rh. Sebum, Ng. Masak; Rh. Jarum, Ng. Lintang; and Rh. Peter, Ng. Nging.

The "Program Komuniti Gotong-Royong Membersih Sungai" to clear navigational hazards along Batang Katibas within longhouse-owned areas ("Pemakai Menua") was carried out on March 15th, 2024, by seven longhouses, excluding Rh. Sidi, Ng. Nayai, and Rh. Peter, Ng. Nging. Due to heavy rain and flooding on the evening of March 15th, 2024, work at these longhouses was rescheduled. The program involved ninety participants and five Tuai Rumah, namely Tr. Peter, Tr. Sa, Tr. Jabu, Tr. Sidi, and Tr. Sapai, who supervised the activities.

The program received positive acceptance from all the Tuai Rumah involved, who expressed gratitude to SRB for organizing the initiative to ensure the safety of all riverine users along Batang Katibas.

No repair work was conducted on the jetties as none were severely affected by the flood or floating wood debris. Only minor cleaning was required, which could be handled by the respective longhouse communities.