. 15/02
KUCHING, 14 February 2025 – An engagement session on the "Proposed Construction of Cement Grinding Plant in Central Sarawak at Tanjung Manis By Innocement Sdn. Bhd." was held at 3.00 p.m. at the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) Headquarters. The session was chaired by Asst. Controller (Riverine Safety), Mr. Leo Nanang, representing the Controller of SRB, and attended by senior officers including Mr. Nichol Agoi (Enforcement Officer), Mr. Puan Phlomina Chura Ak. John (Marine Officer) and Cik Sarah Laong (Civil Engineer). Also present were representatives from Innocement Sdn. Bhd. Innocement Sdn. Bhd. is a wholly State Government owned company, incorporated on 10th February 2023 as a joint venture between the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and the Bintulu Development Authority (BDA). The company commenced operations on 01st May 2023, with its first distribution terminal established in November 2023 at Tanjung Manis Port in Central Sarawak, and became fully operational on 01st March 2024. The Board of Directors comprises government officials and industry experts, providing strategic leadership and governance, led by Dato Sri Dr. Muhammad Abdullah B. Hj Zaidel (Deputy State Secretary), and the members include Datu Hj. Muhamad Yakup B. Kari (General Manager, BDA), Datu Hj. Abdul Hadi B. Datuk Abdul Kadir (General Manager, SEDC), Datu John Wayne Ak. Chamberlin Sirau (Deputy State Attorney General) and Mr. Ting Ching Zung (Corporate Financial Advisor). Discussions covered project implementation, safety, and regulatory requirements, including the need to carry out a Marine Traffic and Risk Analysis (MTRA) study to assess the impact on navigation safety, the river environment, vessel traffic, structural integrity, and dredging works, as the project area is navigable by ships of 500 Dead Weight Tonnes (DWT) or more. Comprehensive explanations were provided on compliance with Regulation 61D of the Sarawak Rivers (Traffic) Regulations, 1993, which requires a site inspection to assess the project's impact on safety and cleanliness. The requirement for a Wharf Authorisation Certificate (WAC) under Regulations 29, 30, and 31 was also presented and discussed. As a result of the session, the project owner has gained a clear understanding of the procedures and mandatory requirements set by SRB. The project owner also expressed appreciation for the engagement session and emphasised the importance of maintaining close cooperation among agencies. The session was adjourned at 4.00 p.m.
. 08/02
KUCHING, 7 February 2025 – An engagement session on the "Pembinaan Jeti Operasi Tambahan di Kompleks Maritim Tun Abang Salahuddin (KOMTAS), Muara Tebas, Kuching, Sarawak" was held at 9.00 a.m. at the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) Headquarters. The session was chaired by Asst. Controller (Riverine Safety), Mr. Leo Nanang, representing the Controller of SRB, and attended by senior officers including Mr. Nichol Agoi, Mr. Leonard Luhat Laing, Puan Norida Sipek, Puan Phlomina Chura Ak. John, Cik Sarah Laong, and Mr. Hazizan Bin Sapiee. Also present were representatives from Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Malaysia and Sarawak Region, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA). Discussions covered project implementation, safety, and regulatory requirements, including the need to carry out a Marine Traffic and Risk Analysis (MTRA) study to assess the impact on navigation safety, the river environment, vessel traffic, structural integrity, and dredging works, as the project area is navigable by ships of 500 Dead Weight Tonnes (DWT) or more. Comprehensive explanations were provided on compliance with Regulation 61D of the Sarawak Rivers (Traffic) Regulations, 1993, which requires a site inspection to assess the project's impact on safety and cleanliness. The requirement for a Wharf Authorisation Certificate (WAC) under Regulations 29, 30, and 31 was also presented and discussed. As a result of the session, the project owner has gained a clear understanding of the procedures and mandatory requirements set by SRB. The project owner also expressed appreciation for the engagement session and emphasised the importance of maintaining close cooperation among agencies between the Sarawak State and Federal Government. The session was adjourned at 11.30 a.m.
. 06/02
KUCHING, 5 February 2025 – An engagement session on the "Marine Traffic and Risk Analysis (MTRA) for The Proposed Development of Marina and Reclamation Works at Damai Peninsular" was held at 10.30 a.m. at the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) Headquarters. The session was chaired by Asst. Controller (Riverine Safety), Mr. Leo Nanang representing Controller of Sarawak Rivers Board, and attended by senior officers including Mr. Nichol Agoi, Mr. Leonard Luhat Laing, Puan Norida Sipek, Puan Phlomina Chura Ak. John, Cik Sarah Laong, and Mr. Hazizan Bin Sapiee. Also present were representatives from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Dr. Ahmad Syafiq Ahmad Nasir, and Dr. Mohd Farid Atan from the Faculty of Resource Science and Technology. UNIMAS was awarded the Consultation Project from Spartan Maritime (M) Sdn. Bhd., and the scope adopts a structured stakeholder engagement framework to ensure a holistic understanding of waterway usage, navigation safety, and socio-economic impacts by systematically identifying and categorising stakeholders, including government agencies such as Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) and Fisheries Department, marine tourism operators, and other waterway users including riverine activities. Engagement includes interviews, structured surveys, personalised communication, and structured group reviews via Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) centered on navigation safety, environmental sustainability, conflict resolution, and socio-economic benefits which aligning stakeholder concerns with sustainable waterway management and development strategies. Discussions covered project scope, methods of survey, safety, cleanliness and regulatory requirements, where UNIMAS seeks relevant information from the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) on riverine traffic, a list of AtoNs provided or installed, navigational hazards such as wrecks, safety regulations, existing wharves, and jetties, as well as data on river depth, sedimentation trends, accident records, and vessel movement (if any). This information supports sustainable waterway management, ensuring safe navigation and balanced development. To obtain valuable input for the success of the project master plan, UNIMAS has informed that stakeholders, including SRB are invited to participate in the Hazard Identification (HAZID) Workshop on 11th February 2025 and the Simulation session on options for vessel berthing / berthing which will be held at the Centre for Technology Excellence Sarawak (CENTEXS) from 13th until 15th February 2025. Both sessions will be conducted by Spartan Maritime (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. As a result of the session, a representative from UNIMAS has gained a clear understanding of the procedures and mandatory requirements set by SRB and also expressed appreciation for the engagement session and emphasised the importance of maintaining close cooperation between the Sarawak State agencies and the institution. The session was adjourned at 11.30 a.m.
. 07/03
Please Click Here For Album Review Kingdom of Netherlands Ambassador Visit To Sungai Sarawak Barrage Date: 4th March 2025 Location: Sungai Sarawak Barrage, Kuching On 4th March 2025, The Sarawak Rivers Board hosted His Excellency, Mr. Jacques Werner, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherland to Malaysia and member of the Disaster Risk Reduction of Surge Support Programme at the Sungai Sarawak Barrage. This visit was part of an ongoing initiative to share expertise explore in water management and disaster risk reduction between Sarawak and the Netherlands. During the visit, His Excellency and the entourage observed the operational mechanism of the barrage gates and toured the control room. Detailed briefing was provided on the barrage control system and its role in flood mitigation. The exchanged of experience in flood management and disaster risk reduction provided valuable insights for the Board, serving as reference to ensure optimal barrage's operational efficiency. Also, in attendance were YBhg. Datu Ir. Ahmad Denney Bin Haji Ahmad Fauzi, Director of the Sarawak Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID); YBhg. Dato Mohamad Morshidi Mustapha, Deputy Director (Enforcement) of the Sarawak Security and Enforcement Unit; Dr. Petra Dankers from the Dutch Disaster Risk Reduction and Surge Support (DRRS); as well as officers from the Sarawak Rivers Board and Kuching Barrage Management Sdn Bhd.
. 04/03
Sila klik disini untuk gambar seterusnya Lembaga Sungai-Sungai Sarawak(LSS) Wilayah III Miri dengan kerjasama Miri Port Authority Crew Change Terminal (MPACCT) menjalankan pemeriksaan kapal di Jeti MPACCT, Sungai Miri bagi memastikan pematuhan terhadap peraturan sungai serta keselamatan operasi maritim. Pemeriksaan ini melibatkan aspek berikut: 1. Pemeriksaan River Transport Permit (RTP) bagi memastikan setiap kapal yang beroperasi memiliki permit sah. 2. Pengawalan kapasiti penumpang dengan memastikan vessel fast crew boat tidak membawa penumpang berlebihan demi keselamatan. 3. Pengesahan identiti kapal dengan memastikan nama kapal dipaparkan dengan jelas di tepi badan kapal. 4. Pemantauan kelajuan kapal untuk memastikan semua kapal yang berlayar di Sungai Miri mematuhi had kelajuan maksimum 4 knot. 5. Pengenalpastian dan penagihan bayaran tertunggak bagi kapal-kapal yang mempunyai tunggakan sewa waf, kompaun, dan caj kawasan labuhan agar pembayaran dibuat dengan segera. OBJEKTIF KOLABORASI a. Meningkatkan kesedaran dalam kalangan pengguna sungai mengenai kepentingan memastikan River Transport Permit (RTP) masih sah digunakan. b. Memastikan pematuhan kewajipan kewangan, di mana pihak perkapalan dan syarikat perlu membayar sewa waf, kompaun, dan caj kawasan labuhan secara bulanan. c. Mendidik pengguna sungai agar mematuhi had kelajuan yang ditetapkan untuk mengelakkan insiden yang boleh menjejaskan keselamatan di sungai. d. Menegakkan undang² Ordinan dan Peraturan Sungai² Sarawak, 1993 serta menonjolkan kehadiran dan peranan Lembaga Sungai-Sungai Sarawak dalam memastikan peraturan sungai dipatuhi. Kerjasama & kolaborasi ini adalah hasil inisiatif & proaktif Pejabat LSS Wilayah III yang diketuai oleh En. Mohammad Ariffin Bin Haji Bujang selaku Assistant Controller Wilayah III bersama Anggota Unit Penguatkuasa & Riverine Wilayah III, Miri dengan Lembaga Pelabuhan Miri bertujuan meningkatkan keselamatan, pematuhan peraturan, dan kelestarian penggunaan laluan sungai di Miri demi kepentingan semua pihak yang terlibat disamping menjalin kerjasama yang erat antara agensi dalam melaksanakan tugas² Penguatkuasaan di Sungai.
Vision: To Be The Lead Agency In River Management In Ensuring Safe, Clean And Natural Rivers
Mission: To Ensure Safety And Cleanliness Of Rivers Through Effective Enforcement And Efficient Service Delivery
2nd Floor, Electra House
Power Street,
93000 Kuching, Sarawak
082-234092 / 234093